OSHO 電子書
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His Life and Teachings and Impact on Humanity電子書 – 汇编An authority on the world’s spiritual traditions, Osho was celebrated for his unique ability to refresh ancient wisdoms for a contemporary audience. Here he takes the reader on an exciting journey into the life and world of Prince Gautam Siddhartha, who became the Buddha. Learn MoreFrom Bondage to Freedom
(Currently on the Evening Meeting Schedule)電子書 – 全系列A deeply moving account of a rare and provocative experiment in human growth, these are Osho′s last discourses given in the US. As always Osho indicates how absolutely everything can be used by the seeker to wake up and be more aware. Learn MoreFrom Death to Deathlessness
電子書 – 全系列Sensing the storm about to descend on his American commune, Osho responds to residents’ and visitors’ questions. The topics cover the whole spectrum of human concerns. Learn MoreIt's All about Change
The Greatest Challenge to Create a Golden Future for Humanity電子書 – 汇编"If anything is to be done for the future, now is the time. Otherwise the greatest evolution of consciousness in the universe will disappear– and that is not only a loss to the earth, but to the whole of existence." Osho Learn MoreKyozan: A True Man of Zen
Talks on Zen電子書 – 全系列In this short series of talks, you can explore how one wondrously straightforward, down-to-earth, enlightened master, Osho, describes another: Kyozan, a true man of Zen. Learn MoreMindfulness in the Modern World
How Do I Make Meditation Part of Everyday Life?電子書 – 汇编When the mind disappears and thoughts disappear, you become mindful. What is mindfulness? It is awareness. It is perfect awareness. Osho helps us explore both the inner and the outer obstacles that prevent us from bringing more awareness to all our daily activities. Learn MoreSpeak to Us of Love
Reflections on Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet電子書 – 删节产品Also Available As: BookIntroducing us to the most famous poems of the Lebanese poet Kahlil Gibran, Osho takes the reader into a mystical world, addressing essential issues in everybody’s life. The famous verse that gives the title to this book is about “love”. Learn MoreTake It Easy
Talks on Zen Buddhism電子書 – 全系列In these delightful and playful talks, Osho introduces the mystery, the wonder and the emptiness that is Zen. He shows how verses by the fourteenth Zen master, Ikkyu, can stir the heart, touch the being and help our transformation. Learn MoreTantric Transformation (New Edition)
When Love Meets Meditation電子書 – 全系列Also Available As: BookThis uplifting book gives a taste of Osho’s life-affirmative, accepting and far-reaching wisdom, as he comments on The Royal Song of Saraha and answers questions.
The world of Tantra has no division between higher and lower. Learn MoreThe Heart Sutra
Talks on Prajnaparamita Hridayam Sutra of Gautama the Buddha電子書 – 全系列Also Available As: BookThe Prajnaparamita Hridayam Sutra is the most important sutra in Buddhist literature; it is at the very heart of the Buddhist message, and is chanted daily by millions across the world. In illuminating these verses, Osho uses simple, straightforward language that encourages the reader to search within for his own understanding. Learn More
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